
Marketing With Every door Direct Mail from USPS

Marketing With Every door Direct Mail from USPS

Marketing With Every door Direct Mail from USPS

Marketing with Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) from the USPS is a cost-effective and straightforward way to promote your business to a specific geographic area or neighborhood. Here are the steps to effectively market with EDDM:

Define Your Target Area:

  • Use the USPS EDDM online mapping tool to select the specific neighborhoods, postal routes, or ZIP codes you want to target.
  • Consider factors such as demographics, population density, and proximity to your business when choosing your target area.

Design Your EDDM Materials:

  • Create eye-catching marketing materials, such as postcards, flyers, or brochures. Make sure they include a compelling message, high-quality visuals, and your contact information.
  • Ensure that your design complies with USPS EDDM size and weight requirements. The USPS provides templates and guidelines for this purpose.


  • Get your marketing materials printed in the required quantities. Many local and online printing services offer EDDM printing options and can help you meet USPS specifications.

Prepare Bundles:

  • Prepare your EDDM bundles in the exact quantities specified by USPS guidelines.
  • Ensure that each bundle contains the correct number of marketing materials.


  • Decide whether you want to use the EDDM Retail or EDDM Business Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) option for your mailing.
  • EDDM Retail is suitable for small businesses sending relatively small quantities of mail. EDDM BMEU is more suitable for larger campaigns.

Fill Out EDDM Forms:

  • Complete the necessary EDDM paperwork, which includes information about your campaign, target area, and mailing route.

Pay for Postage:

  • Pay the EDDM postage fees, which are typically lower than standard bulk mail rates.
  • You can pay for postage at your local post office or through an online USPS Business Account if you're using EDDM BMEU.

Drop Off at Post Office:

  • Take your prepared EDDM bundles to your local post office for distribution.
  • Make sure you've followed USPS guidelines for bundling and labeling your materials.

Track and Analyze:

  • After your EDDM materials are distributed, use tracking and analytics tools to measure the success of your campaign.
  • Analyze factors like response rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI).

Adjust and Refine:

  • Based on the results of your campaign, make adjustments to your marketing strategy for future EDDM mailings.

Marketing with EDDM is an effective way to target a local audience, increase brand visibility, and drive traffic to your business. By following these steps and ensuring compliance with USPS regulations, you can create successful EDDM marketing campaigns.